

Project Description

This is the website of a Jean Monnet International Project entitled "European Union Plans and Experiences for Public Libraries: Applicabilityfor Iran", which has been funded by the European Union. This is a Jean Monnet project by “spread content”. The project proposal was submitted by Allameh Tabataba’i University to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in the form of a possible "Jean Monnet Project”grant.  In September 2019 it was judged and announced as the only grant winner from Iran. Previously, in  2018, an earlier project from Allameh Tabataba’i University had won a "Jean Monnet Project" grant  

The Jean Monnet Programe, also known as the Jean Monnet Activities, is a European Union initiative to encourage teaching, research and reflection in the field of European integration studies in higher education institutions. It is named in memorandum of Jean Monnet(1888-1979), a French diplomat regarded by many as a chief architect of European Unity. The initiative was originally launched in 1990. In 2001 it was opened to higher education institutions from all around the world. In 2014 Jean Monnet became part of the Erasmus+ programe